What is this?

Radical hope is a deeply held belief in a better future, despite all the evidence of the present moment. It is a refusal to succumb to the status quo, instead opening to the courageous, creative, and generative path that ultimately creates progress. It provides the foundation for expansive and courageous leadership, one that embraces uncertainty and transformation, operating from a place of ‘no limits’ as opposed to stubborn resignation. It is the opposite of speculative dreaming, as it knows that life changes when we rise above mere optimism and set our gaze on an inspired mobilization of collective action. Radical hope shows us that neither the pain of the past nor the fear of the future can bind us, if we stay committed to our ultimate vision.

See also: flow state, peak experience, social justice, magical thinking, flow dojo

DarkHorse Podcast with Jamie Wheal & Bret Weinstein 99,152

Until we collapse - Interview with Jamie Wheal 87,635

Recapture the Rapture, Jamie Wheal 47,894

Recapture the Rapture launch with Gabor Mate, Dennis McKenna, Jamie Wheal & more 17,917

Marketing, consumerism and tragedy of the commons (Jamie Wheal & Bret Weinstein) 17,185

Jamie Wheal: “Neuro-anthropology and Culture Architecture” | The Great Simplification #13 6,495

Unf*cking the World — Radical Hope for the Future || Jamie Wheal on Finding Mastery 4,270

HomeGrown Humans - Douglas Rushkoff - Team Human - Hosted by Jamie Wheal 2,397

Episode 167 —Jamie Wheal: How to Recapture the Rapture 1,371